How to sing well in only 3 lessons (?)

 In Motivational, Singing, Vocal Technique

Honestly, I don’t know. I really don’t know.

Learn to sing well in 5 simple steps

The 3 secrets to singing like a pro in only 3 lessons!


hese are statements that we all must have seen as we navigate the Internet. You might have clicked on a Youtube video and suddenly this advert popped up, where a singing guru unveils these magical secrets that would supposedly make you a top singer in 3 lessons or 5 simple steps.

Well, I wish it were so easy and quick! Unfortunately, singing is not a microwave meal, you’ll have to slow-cook!

Honestly, imagine if my students would all learn to sing in a couple of lessons! This would be the greatest achievement for them and for me too!
I would be renowned for my voice miracles and would get named the speedy maestro! Good, isn’t it?

Yet, I would never despise the efforts and the perseverance required to improve and become the singers we want to be. When you work hard for something you care about, you appreciate more and you value every single step of the process.

In a world of I-want-it-now mentality, we tend not to be as much dedicated to our art, as we should. There are no shortcuts to learning to sing in a healthy and balanced way.
It’s your own pace; you should patiently be devoted to and enjoy it! We’re all in the same boat, aren’t we?


Of course, there are various and personal reasons for which everybody takes singing lessons. For example, some may not want to be professional singers but they still enjoy their hour spent vocalising and singing a tune.
I’ve also met people who just wanted to try but then realised singing isn’t their thing; or some singers/musicians who only wanted a quick fix lesson on some songs they’d been performing in their solo act or with their band.
I am also aware going for a singing lesson with a good and empathetic teacher can be ‘therapeutic’ for some clients.

Are you saying I won’t see any improvements in the short term?
Of course you will. In fact, you will be able to notice some changes in your voice from the very first lesson. That is the surface but it takes time to go deeper.


In closing, I would like to spend a few words for those who find it hard to believe in themselves. You may be feeling hopeless as if what you are doing will get you nowhere.
Please, stop believing that lie. If you follow you teacher’s guidelines and set a practice routine, there is nothing that can stop you.
Moreover, if you don’t listen to those disheartening thoughts, your practice will be more effective and less affected by your emotional downs.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney

Pietro Pratico

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